Fall 2019, Monday Oct.21

I am going to work my hardest at actually maintaining this blog and updating my gallery, promise! As for news:

I have a beautiful downtown Louisville Suite, right on W. Main Street, by 21 C Hotel and The Kentucky Science Center! I share the floor, Main Salon Suites, with other incredibly talented women in the industry; such as Arched, Me to You Esthetic Boutique, Ultrashape, Calming Hands Massage, Chapter 25 Photography, Whisky Row Chiropractic, Functional Modalities and Miss Janet’s Beauty Parlor.

Here, I am truly to able to utilize and share all my talents from Haircuts and Hair Restoration with Procell Therapies to Permanent Cosmetics, from Facial and Body Waxing to my special gift for brewing up homeopathic, natural, healing and relaxing Skin care treatments (it is Pumpkin season !).

I listened and yes, BATHOMET will be back in stock on a regular basis at this studio for year round purchase, ordering and if you need a special blend, just call or email and we will set up a consultation to go over what you need conjured up. Yes, it is still 100% natural! I will be at Louisville Gore Club’s Krampus Celebration with a table stocked of the most popular blends of body cleansers, scrubs and mists. I hope you all can make it!

Permanent Cosmetic Guests, Please feel free to just come in for a consult. You do not have to commit to having the service done that exact day. I apply the deposit to your service appointment cost, if you decide to change your mind, Hey, I get it. It is a permanent mark on your face, you need to think, it is okay! I have been certified in Micropigmentation/Permanent Cosmetics since 2008 (back when some PMU’s were laughing at the idea of people tattooing their faces… well now, hahaha!). During consultation I will answer all your questions, go over colors that would match your skin tone, and even map out how it will look.

Hair Restoration & Skin Lifting, Tightening Guests, Same! Consultations are complimentary with the services. I will touch more on Procell therapies in my next blog….Let’s say Thursday?

Keep it real, keep it honest xoxo